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rgb.m: translates a colour from multiple formats into matlab colour format


function out=rgb(in)


 rgb.m: translates a colour from multiple formats into matlab colour format
 type 'rgb demo' to get started

 matlab colors are in the format [R G B]

 if 'col' is a string, it is interpreted as

     [[modifier] descriptor] colour_name

        modifier is one of   (slightly, normal, very, extremely)
        descriptor is one of (light/pale, normal, dark)
        colorname is a name of a colour
            (type 'rgb list' or 'rgb demo' to see them all)

 if 'col' is an integer between 0 and &HFFFFFF inclusive,
 it is interpreted as a double word RGB value in the form

 if 'col' is a negative integer between -1 and -&HFFFFFF
 inclusive, it is interpreted as the complement of a double
 word RGB value in the form [0][B][G][R]

 if 'col' is a string of the form 'qbX' or 'qbXX' where X
 is a digit then the number part is interpreted as a qbasic

 if 'col' is one of {k,w,r,g,b,y,m,c} a sensible result is

 if 'col' is already in matlab format, it is unchanged


This function calls: This function is called by:
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